Bonsall Roofing

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    At DUIN-IT Roofing & Construction, we understand that quality homes meet criteria: They are comfortable and lovely, that’s why when it comes to the roofing of your home, we apply our expertise to make sure it’s in good condition. After all, what’s the importance of having an aesthetic interior if the roof is leaking? For homeowners, the saying a stitch in time saves nine is very practical: sorting out minor issues such as cracks will help you avoid bigger messes such as the need for a new ceiling, wall, etc.

    At DUIN-IT, we do not only install new roofs but also carry out regular roof maintenance to ensure you are comfortable. Through roof maintenance, you can seize control of situations and perform fixes before they worsen. When it comes to roofing and roof maintenance, no zero-sum thinking should be practiced. Thinking that you can reduce expenses by spending on inferior materials and unskilled contractors is a recipe for disaster!

    A good roof will set you comfortable in your own home and ensures:

    The interior of your house is dry and free from molds by keeping off snow, rain, debris, leaves, and branches. Safety of your family and propertiesAccentuates the curb appeal of your home since it’s what passers-by spot from afar. Energy efficiency since it minimizes air leaks leading to reduced heating and cooling bills.

    On that note, therefore, what are the typical roof problems you can rely on DUIN-IT to fix?

    Common Roof Repairs

    Since the roof is the most complicated part of the house, it’s got the possibility to result in myriads of problems -some might appear often more than others. Common roof repairs include.

    1. Fixing a leaking roof

    If the roof starts leaking, then it’s in bad shape. Leakages can result even from the smallest cracks, and the water can slowly eat away your ceiling. Additionally, your ceiling is likely to develop mildew and mold as moisture seeps through the cracks.

    Common causes of leaking roofs include cracks, missing shingles, clogged gutters, improper roof installation, etc. Fixing these problems will help keep your roof going. Let us secure those loose shingles or replace the missing ones.

    2. Fixing improper insulation and ventilation

    Poor ventilation and insulation on your attic may be hard to notice, but it has serious consequences. Proper ventilation encourages the movement of air, preventing humidity and hence, mildew and mold build-up on the tiles.

    Causes of poor ventilation include blocked or broken attic air vents, and insufficient exterior vents. It’s wise to fix broken vents, unblock them or even add the number of exterior air vents. Proper ventilation helps reduce heat build-up, thereby lowering your house cooling bill.

    3. Replacing old roofs

    Your “still-in-good shape” roof may be hiding signs of damage, especially if it’s more than 25 years old. Most manufacturers recommend roof replacement after every 25 years. Roofs wear down due to beat down by weather elements. And especially if you live in a horrid-weather region, you may not need to wait 25 years to replace your roof, getting professional help will help you avoid disaster.

    4. Curls, buckles, sags, and bags

    Shingles start to curl upwards when the roof begins losing integrity. This can also be deduced from buckled shingles -concave as if something has been stuck underneath. Other problems you can spot from afar include sags and bags due to loose rafters and overworked beams. If you notice any of these, contact a DUIN-IT professional right away.

    DUIN-IT Roofing & Construction is a team of licensed C-39 and B-general contractors with over 40-years of experience in the roofing industry. Expect 100 % quality service at affordable prices. We are fully insured, and our complete shingle re-roofs carry up to a 50-year warranty. Contact us for your roofing needs at Bonsall California; we have lots of client testimonials you can check out from our website at adunitconstruction.com

    We Provide

    Superior Roofing Services

    Chimney Chase Covers 

    Roofing & Roof Repair 

    Solar Panel Cleaning 

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      Phone: 760-633-2488

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